Single Line Art

When times get stressful I run to my own world of colorful faces.

These pieces have a meditative quality As they are like breathing to me. each piece is a one of one original created in that moment and expresses the natural flow of my art.


My single line artwork is a whimsical exploration of the world around me. Created from my understanding of community, I wanted to showcase the interconnectivity of the people we are surrounded by. These interwoven connections are expressed through the overlapping features that are now shared amongst the surrounding faces. As I’ve continued to develop this craft my lines represent my journey in the art world filled with meandering movement, twists, turns, and unexpected beauty.

Process Videos


Artist creating a single line painting featuring blue, red, and yellow dots at varies sizes on a 12x24 canvas piece.


Art in the Wild


Faces I see Series


Other Series

Digital Collages
