Digital Collage Art

digital collages allow me to explore a range of my darker/heavier emotions with a dramatic perspective. their origins were an explorative way to remind myself who i am as an artist. Since then, my digital collages have been widely accepted in numerous galleries.


These pieces have been featured in museums and galleries around the world. Check out [HUE] mad to get an in-depth description of some of those events.

ego & Insecurities

My artwork examines the internal battle of balancing my ego and insecurities through the medium of digital collage. I explore how my personal dilemmas of self-worth, self-appreciation, and self-image create an internal tension that impacts my perception of myself.

Through the overlay and manipulation of images in my collages, I create surreal and jarring compositions that channel and challenge my identity as a Black man in America and the stereotypes that come with it. By doing so, I aim to combat the pressures to conform and the tendency to compare myself to who I am supposed to be, in hopes to  allow myself to embrace the both my ego and insecurities that make me. Ultimately, I hope that these pieces broaden the scope of representation and encourage viewers to reflect on the societal pressures that influence our self-image.


(B)old (E)xpression Series


The world around me


Self Portrait Series



Other Series


Single Line Art