BSA Presents
Intersections: Equity,Environment + The City


Event Synopsis:
The Boston Society for Architecture, BSA Women in Design, and BosNOMA are proud to present Intersections: Equity, Environment + the City, a hybrid symposium from November 6–13, 2021 centered around intersectional and participatory design processes. 

An inclusive Boston happens when designers think critically and collaboratively with individuals, communities, and agencies within and beyond the world of design. Each virtual session, in-person workshop, and site tour will tease out a thread in the larger fabric of Boston’s built environment, examining the role of architects and designers in perpetuating in/equity through issues of housing, lighting, transportation, and education.


Conceptual Breakdown:

To best communicate the reality of intersectionally, this idea uses the context of communities within Boston and highlights their influence throughout the city. The beauty of intersections is that the overlap of outreach from the different communities creates moments of interest. The proposed nodes are planned locations for live sessions to further explore these communities.

The iconology found integrated in the event’s date is an abstraction of how the 3 community partnering organizations intersect while still being uniquely themselves in design.


symposium case study focuses (map) + Session information

To further communicate the symposium’s focuses I created a graphic that gives exact location as well as an overall breakdown of offered sessions.